Thursday, June 17, 2010

HAiR STYLES..!?!?!?

I have a little past shoulder length hair.. it's pretty curly and it's REALLY thick.. I hate wearing it down because it's so thick and I think it looks stupid. I usually just wear it up in a ponytail and I'm getting Really sick of it. I don't have bangs.. (well I do but they're the same length as my hair..). Do you have any hair style suggestions/things I could do to make my hair look cool/something different. Do you think I should get side bangs or something? What can you put in your hair to make it not so thick.. By the way.. I've tried straightening it.. I like it straightened but it takes a Really long time and it's still extremely thick looking when I do that. SUGGESTIONS PLEASE!!!!! Thanks in advance!

HAiR STYLES..!?!?!?

why do you complain so much bout ur hair. I mean my hair is african hair. Imagine what i have to do to take care of it. please stop it cause its so innoing when people talk about there silky long hair. Yea im jealous. I hat emy hair thats why.

HAiR STYLES..!?!?!?

you sound like you have exactly the same hair as my best friend. She always manages to do it so it looks nice. Plaits look nice and they work well with thick hair, if it helps, wet your hair a bit first. Also, a bun looks nice. (do your hair as if you were going to do a ponytail but don't pull your hair all the way through the hairband) you shouldn't straighten it too much anyway as it will make it dry and brittle. You could also try bunches (two ponytails either side of your face, they look cute. Hope that helped!

HAiR STYLES..!?!?!?

Tips for all different type of Hairstyles

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