Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

God says women can't have braids. So how come so many women ware braids as a hair style?

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

I am actually suprised at the answers on here. Shocked is the better term to use. Twice in the New Testament does it say this. "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." (1 Timothy 2:9) "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel" (1 Peter 3:3) The Greek word for both plaiting and braiding is the same word.

The fact that one person says that this was Old Testament is a testament to how much these passages of Scripture are buried. Why? Well the common argument is that this only applied to women in those cultures back then and now it is "ok" to do it. This is no where found in the context of the Scriptures. It is complete fallacy to say that this has no more application to us today. Either Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) or else we can pick and choose everything like a religious buffet. The Word says no gold, no pearls, no expensive clothing and no braids in the hair. Two different books and two different writers are inspired to write this. It is pretty obvious that God wants this to be followed or He would have never inspired them to write it. Or is the Word not inspired?

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

im atheist so i say go for any hairstyle you wish for

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?


What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

Wait... where did God say women can't have braids?

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

God couldn't care less about our hair styles.

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

God never said women can't wear their hair in braids!! Good grief where do you people get this crap? You could dye your hair bright shades of puce and put feather dusters in it for funzies and God wouldn't give a ripe rats ****, as long as you were a good, kind, caring human being first and foremost. Hair is a disposable. Your soul is not. You know this....silly rabbit.

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

If your "god" existed or if any "god" existed, do you think he/she/it/them would give a tinkers dam about your hair?

Nor would "they" give a dam about who won the football game or what you got for your birthday or what grade you got on your math test.

Any being with "godly" powers, who is lord of the universe, would be much too busy to care about your hair.

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

Because that is in the old testament and most of us(Christians) follow the new testament

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

God looks at the inward person, not the outward person. It's what's inside that counts. The styles condemned in the Bible were and usually are a result of human pride and immodesty, inward traits which God abhors.

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

God is concerned with the state of a persons heart, not their hair.

If there is such a reference made, it most likely was a man made rule, based on the interpretation of the powers that were at the time; legalistic rulings; such rules were often based on cultural or traditional teachings.

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

weird question first time i hear this lol

What hair styles does God allow for us to have?

Where in the Bible does it say that? I have seen where it says a woman shouldn't paint her face or fix her hair to entice a man, and I have read where it says a woman's hair is her glory. That is where people mistake hair-cutting for women is a sin. I haven't read anywhere in the Bible where it says a woman can't cut her hair. I think it is okay to have pretty much any hairstyle. A lot of women get their hair braided, not only for the look of it, but also to help it grow.

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